Page Wood
Former CTO & Partner

Page was a Managing Partner and Storyware’s CTO until February 2023 when he left Storyware to focus on other business endeavors. As CTO, Page oversaw all of our technology efforts, services, and projects. He is passionate about web performance, responsive workflows, and delivering digital products that delight users at every step of the way.

Page joined Storyware in the fall of 2014 as a front-end developer and was promoted to UX Manager in November of 2015. Page became an Associate Partner in December of 2016 and then in October of 2017, Page became Storyware’s CTO.

Before joining Storyware, Page worked as the Director of Product Development for SaaS Ventures, a software startup based in Honolulu, where he managed an international development team and handled all UI/UX design and development for the company.

Page graduated in 2012 with honors from James Madison University’s SMAD program, also known as the School of Media Arts and Design. Page has been working in web design and development since his time at James Madison University.

Page lives in Richmond’s historic Forest Hill neighborhood with his wife, their two cats, Mitsy and Morty, and a dog named Cocoa. Outside of work you can find him snowboarding, fishing, kayaking, rock climbing, cooking, or chasing hurricanes with his surfboards.

Articles by Page Wood